Angela Sakhrani | Esure

When thinking about career progression, my first thought is: how will this affect my children’s lives? 
As a single parent, spending my time equally at home and at work is most important to me. After moving to part-time hours, I appreciated my role more and realised that I really enjoy what I do. I focus on being the best that I can be, making a difference to customer journeys and challenging myself by taking on different responsibilities.

As a single parent, spending my time equally at home and at work is most important to me.

I believe that staying in tune with your mental wellbeing and making time to think about what you can improve on in your role, will increase your job satisfaction.

Outside of work I love watching my children in their activities – for example watching my son play football and watching our favourite football team (Manchester City) with my mum and my son. We all have season tickets and working part-time hours means that I never miss a game.

I recently took up meditation which I have found very productive in helping me find out what is important to me in my 50s and this is now giving me lots of food for thought in what I want to build into my future.

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