50 over Fifty
Celebrating the contribution of women over 50 to the UK insurance industry

What is 50 over Fifty?
Inspired by #MotherWorks, #CorporateQueer and 56 Black Men photography campaign, 50 over Fifty uses the power of photography and personal stories to shine a spotlight on the great work being done by women over 50 across all areas of the UK insurance industry
We received over 160 nominations for this year’s 50 over Fifty. Each and every nomination was inspirational
We wish we could have included all nominees
But we had to select a “final 50” to be included in the exhibition. HERE THEY ARE!
It’s vitally important that women over 50 believe in the value of their wisdom and experience and not retreat to the shadows of irrelevance. They need to stand up for themselves and demonstrate their continued contribution. They need to show up because they’re not done yet! – Forbes 2021