Bavita Rai | DLG

I am Head of Direct Line Group Legal Services and before this I was a Partner in a top 40 law firm for 15 years.
 I have worked in the legal insurance sector for over 25 years. When I first joined the sector, there was no one in leadership positions that I could relate to as a British Indian female lawyer.
While the UK is my home I do have a deep connection with India. Growing up, I was fascinated by my rich heritage and culture. When I look back, as a young lawyer, I did not feel I could talk about my race or my unique experiences.

I know first-hand about the pressure to fit in. It took me time to find the confidence to be myself.

I know first-hand about the pressure to ‘fit’ in. It took me time to find the confidence to be myself.
Progress has been made with more and more women in leadership positions. However, discussions around gender can still appear to be through the lens of a white female, so there is still some way to go to achieve true equality, true parity. 
I believe all the protected characteristics, like race, gender, disability cannot be addressed in silos and that we should not be diffident about our differences. We should be authentic and true to ourselves.

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